The question: My 90 year old Mother has recently had problems with blood thinning, blood pressure dropping, and periodic heart fluttering. The doctors ruled out any heart abnormalities and “shocked” her heart somehow back into normal pattern. She was switched to Coumadin. She’s on several meds. including Lisinopril/Norvasc(blood pressure), Neurontin(legs/feet), Symbalta(Depression), Synthroid(Thyroid), Lasix(Kidneys), & Omeprazole(Dyspepsia). I’m thinking of maybe getting …
Is heart bypass surgery necessary to treat unstable angina?
The medical literature and my own experience support this course of action: If you have only one or two blockages (unless it includes a “Left Main Lesion”) and a good heart function , a Stent is usually the best option; If you have three or more blockages, a “Left Main”, damage to your heart, or are a Diabetic, you are …