The general principles of treatment of arrhythmias are: Correction of any underlying abnormalities, such as electrolyte imbalances, disorders of the thyroid, etc. Avoid stimulants or medications which may worsen the situation. Get enough sleep. Pursue an appropriate exercise program. Treat any underlying disorders of the heart appropriately. If the problem persists: Consider medications for selected cases. Some patients may benefit …
What sort of tests might be done to evaluate to evaluate PVCs and Tachycardias?
Tests of electrolyte levels, thyroid levels, and other blood tests are frequently done. An electrocardiogram is necessary to make the diagnosis of PVC’s. Since PVC’s don’t always occur when one is looking for them, several other means have been developed to assess the frequency and severity of the process in some cases. Holter monitors, “heart cards”, and “event monitors” may …
What are the causes of ventricular arrhythmias, VT, Bigeminy and Trigeminy?
I have blogged about palpitations and VT before. You can read more about that here: You’ll find these are rather common complaints and most people don’t need treatment, only reassurance once their heart proves OK.
My son had a Cyanotic complex congenital heart defect
Question: My son had Cyanotic complex congenital heart defect he only survived ten days now im wondering what exactly was formed wrong with his heart?
How serious is a left to right shunt and what will it take to repair it?
Question: How serious is a left to right shunt and what will it take to repair it? Answer: Circulation in a nutshell: Normally, O2 poor (“Venous”) blood from the right side of your heart goes to the lungs where CO2 is removed and replaced with O2. This is called the ‘Pulmonary” circulation. It then returns to the left side of …
A weak heart; one more year to live?
Question: my dr says I may have year or more to live I aam 83 had rhuematic heart and wonder what I can do to improve I think I am fortunate to get this farmy dr says I may have year or more to live I aam 83 had rhuematic heart and wonder what I can do to improve I …
Palpitations and fainting
Question: Hi, My husband has been having heart trouble now for 3 years. His dortors have recently told us that they basically have no idea what the cause is or what to do next.His heart rate (does not matter what he is doing at time)will all of a sudden go up really high(200 or more) than within 2-3 seconds drop …
I have a very high hs-CRP level. What does that mean?
Question: My Hs-crp level is way out of range 26 ,yet my cholesterol and triglycerides etc are in range,what tests can specify exactly where the problem lies?
Ginger Butternut Squash Soup
Soup… If there is one other thing that I might do for a living, it is to be a master soup chef. Stock made from left over chicken, added onions, carrots, garlic and celery… Prepping for the real thing, dicing the ingredients, in the stock and cooking away on the stove… The final presentation, with maybe some crème fraiche, croutons …
I have Circulation or Nerve problems in my arm
Question: I have localized pain that is also sensitive to touch that tends to radiate from my collarbone to the front of my shoulder and down through the front of my biceps. I’m trying to figure out what is causing this pain. I would say it was a product of exercise. My fear is that it is a sign of …