PE, Chest Pain and Lightheadedness

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Q: Hello.  I am having symptoms of very bad lightheadedness (I can feel this even when laying down) and chest pain(increases with light exertion).  The chest pain is sharp, stabbing at times.  It does also burn in the lung area where I can pinpoint the pain. I also have pain in my left arm and underarm area.

High Fibrinogen levels

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Q: Hello, my mom was getting alot of bloody noses. Then she was rushed to the hospital because her nose was really bleeding heavy. They had to caterize the inside she had 4 or 5 veins that needed to be caterized. My mother has always has low blood pressure. The doctor ordered a Fribrinogen test that was high . My …

MY CRP lab result was 7.25

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Q: Hello I am 48 year old female . My weight is 175 Lb. My height is 5′ 4″. I don’t excercise. My last cholesterol was 212.  My question is should I have additional test done because this CRP level was so high ? Also when I take my blood pressure lying down it is always low in the left …

My young son has an enlarged aorta

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Q: Just found out my 14 year old son has enlarged aorta while looking for something totally unrelated. His was 2.6 standard deviations above norm, is this the 1.5 times the size you mentioned to another person as being the point of increased chance for rupture? He was advised to not play football or weight lift….and the rest of the …