Tummy tuck surgery for a heart patient

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Submitted by Dr T on March 10, 2011 – 3:18pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  I had a heart attack three years ago.  Last fall I had a complete cardio check up and everything is great.  Before my HA I was extremely active and I still am.  I would very much like to have a tummy tuck and was wondering what …

How many stents are too many

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Submitted by Dr T on March 9, 2011 – 10:16pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  Someone told me that they had 22 stents.  Is this possible or should they have had another procedure?   Patients like this do much better  with a Coronary Bypass Procedure, live longer and spend a lot less money! I wish I could tell you it isn’t …

Results of the first one thousand evaluations of our Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment Calculator

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Submitted by Dr T on March 2, 2011 – 3:42pm in Professionals 1012 Questionnaires using our Cardiac Surgery Risk Assessment Calculator  have now been answered. I thought it would be interesting to analyze some of the results and show what they look like. The results are listed here: https://www.cardiachealth.org/cardiac-healthcare-providers/cardiac-health-news/sts-risk-analysis Information like this becomes interesting, once many records from the same …

Good Food for Spring

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Submitted by Dr T on March 1, 2011 – 2:52pm It is hard to believe March is here and that spring is just around the corner!  As much as I enjoy the winter, I am ready for warm air, flowers and green grass!  I am also gearing up for my annual spring-cleaning and so I was thinking that I would …

Should I use a statin?

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Submitted by Dr T on March 1, 2011 – 9:27am in Other Question:  My Dr. has recommended taking a low dose SIMVASTATIN.  I DON’T WISH TO DO THAT.  MY OVERALL CHOLESTERoL IS 254.  I KNOW THIS IS HIGH BUT MY HDL IS 108 TRIGYLCERIDES 79 AND LDL IS 130.  RATIO IS 2.4  AM I BEING FOOLISH NOT TO TAKE IT. …

Aortic Valve Stenosis and working out

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Submitted by Dr T on February 28, 2011 – 10:16am in Cardiac Risks Question:  I am 17 years old, and I have aortic valve stenosis. I have recently been doing weightlifting, and going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. Saw my cardiologist on wednesday for my annual check up, mentioned that I was weightlifting and she said …


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Submitted by Dr T on February 28, 2011 – 9:38am Question:  Hi, occasionally I get a skipped beat followed by head and neck pressure and a flushed face, sometimes the pressure lasts all day or a couple hours after, I also have pots and blood pooling when i stand up. my question is this. when a pvc happens its my …

Heart Transplant with RBBB and PVCs

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Submitted by Dr T on February 25, 2011 – 7:45pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  I have heart transplant with pacemaker having RBBB and recently I had some frequent PVCs otherwise 5-10 per day.  Blood work, ECG and echo found normal.  Once I saw low frequency 86 bps inversion of waves (9 of them) on continuous recording. Are these symptoms …

Abnormal heart beats in an athlete

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Submitted by Dr T on February 24, 2011 – 5:32pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  I am a runner and workout on a regular basis. I have a resting heart rate of 44 and that’s been normal to me. However recently I have noticed that when I am at complete rest sitting up or laying in bed, I have a …

Could I have POTS?

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Submitted by Dr T on February 22, 2011 – 7:11pm Question:  Hi, I believe I may have pots or orthostatic intolerence and I was hoping you could tell me if I fit the requirements. While im laying down my heart rate is 66-70 but when I stand up it shoots up to 100. Blood starts pooling in my legs and …