Can I avoid a heart procedure with two blocked arteries?

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Submitted by Dr T on February 22, 2011 – 6:33pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  I am a 52 yr old male,and just had a heart cath and found out i have 2 blocked arteries,one is partial the other fully,is there a way that this can be treated with drugs to completely dissolve the blockages?my alternative is 2 stents i’d like …

Recurrent angina after stenting

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Submitted by Dr T on February 17, 2011 – 11:00am in Chest Pain Question:  Age 61, Past MI 2004,  May of 2010,  St elevation and myocardial infarction,  stent (2) right coronary artery and stenting (1) to left anterior descending.  4/2010, ABNORMAL NUCLEAR STRESS TEST.  2 stents  LAD and left circmlex.  Left ventricular with  inferior wall hypokinesis of old MI, mild …

How do I keep my HDL low?

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Submitted by Dr T on February 16, 2011 – 5:19pm Question:  Hello again and thanks for your time…While my over Cholesteral level is good at 150…my HDL is 41 (low average) What foods can I eat to improve my HDL? My Chol/HDL ratio is 3.7 (which I believe is good also). My LDL is 99 and Triglycerides is 42. I …

My five year old child has 1st degree avb with long QTI

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Submitted by Dr T on February 16, 2011 – 9:48am in Your heart rhythm Question:  My 5 year old daughter went in for an EKG to rule out relations with her minor hearing loss last week.  We were informed that she has a 1st degree avb with a possible prolonged QT Interval.  We have a repeat EKG and an Echo …

High lipid profile and missing a heart beat

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Submitted by Dr T on February 16, 2011 – 9:34am Question:  I was being treated for high lipid values since june 2010. TGC at that time was 700. Serium chol 240. Atorlip-F was the medicine prescribed. also i was having uric acid around 8. on 14the january 2011 all my lipid values returned to normal(even lower than min. values prescribed …

What does my ECHO mean?

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Submitted by Dr T on February 15, 2011 – 9:43am in Cardiac Risks Question:  My stress tests conclusion says “there were stress – induced wall motion abnormalities (see diagram)”. What does that mean?Thank you. Just what it says, some parts of your heart work less well under stress. I cannot judge how that influences your heart function or what can …

Happy American Heart month

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Submitted by Dr T on February 14, 2011 – 4:24pm I hope everyone is faring well this winter and that you have begun the New Year with a healthy start!  Since February is American Heart month I thought I would share some information on healthy fats, also referred to as fatty acids.  The focus should be on unsaturated fats, which …

Two Cardiac Echos, two different results

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Submitted by Dr T on February 14, 2011 – 4:04pm Question:  I had an echo done Jan 10 and received 2 different interpretations from the 2 cardios who read it and am very confused. History:  August 2004 (age 53) diagnosed with moderate to severe MR but no MVP (echo and stress echo test).  Started lisinopril, walking and lost 30 pounds. …

Ablation and Heart Function

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Submitted by Dr T on February 14, 2011 – 3:46pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  Hi, I am a 47 year old African American woman who has had an ICD/Pacemaker for nearly a year. Right before having my device implanted I was told I had bigeminy heart beats that were severe, and that my EF was around 30%. After placement …

Sudden cardiac death, cardiac arrest

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Submitted by Dr T on February 14, 2011 – 11:00am in Your heart rhythm Question:  My father in law had a cardiac arrest in the ambulance while on the way to the hospital. The ambulance was called because he was feeling short in breath. He entered the hospital as pulseless electrical patient and was resuscitated at the hospital. They gave …