My doctor told me I have an uncoiled aorta

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Submitted by Dr T on February 2, 2011 – 11:20am in Other Question:  I went for a chest Xray for a cough and it was normal but on the report it said uncoiling of the thoracic aorta???? I asked my Dr what it meant and he didn’t know..(LOL).. So does anyone know what causes this and is there a way …

I have svt, afib, pvcs, 1st degree heart block, mild mvp

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Submitted by Dr T on January 31, 2011 – 10:01am in Your heart rhythm Question:  1.In a structurally healthy heart, how serious is it if a person has all of the following: svt, afib, pvcs, 1st degree heart block, mild mvp?2. If a person has a-fib lasting 10 seconds every 8 months do they need a blood thinner? (if they …

leg pains and cramps while resting

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Submitted by Dr T on January 31, 2011 – 9:52am in Other Question:  My leg pain comes and goes mainly at rest or driving . Have been on simvastatin tired  pravastatin for problem was told to stop until pain goes away has not in 3-weeks .  but the next trial will be crestor . should i ignore pain and treat …

Severe Heartburn, could it be heart disease?

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Submitted by Dr T on January 30, 2011 – 12:36pm in Chest Pain Question:  I have had severe heart burn for about 5 day’s now, It gets so bad at times I have trouble breathing, I am having a hard time eating and taking my meds beacuase it hurts to swallow. I have been taking over the counter Prilosec, but …

Aspirin Therapy

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Submitted by Dr T on January 30, 2011 – 12:20pm in Chest Pain Question:  I have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease with elevated cholesterol, slightly high blood pressure and angina. I’ve had the treadmill stress test, echocardiogram and ekg. I have an MET level of 8. I am taking metoprolol (100mg time release), Lipitor (10mg) and low-dose aspirin. The …

Long QT, A Fib and PVCs

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Submitted by Dr T on January 29, 2011 – 9:31am Question:  I am 52 years of age and have had paroxysmal AF for the past 16 years for which I have been prescribed Sotalol to be taken when required.Recently I had an ECG that showed a QTc of 464 and my cardiologist referred me for a number of tests including …

Anxiety, chest pains, a racing heart and a slow heart rate

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Submitted by Dr T on January 28, 2011 – 11:26am in Cardiac Risks Question:  I am a 45 year old female in good health/weight with no outstanding health issues.  In the last year, I have noticed some bouts with anxiety (racing heart) and also chest tightness, uncomfortable feeling in left arm and “lazy” fingers (middle finger thru pinky).  I have …

Diet and LDL

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Submitted by Dr T on January 26, 2011 – 4:06pm in Nutrition Question:  I’m 28, I don’t take medications, I weight 146 lbs, my blood pressure is 110/70, and my height is 5’10. Before my diet, my LDL was 185mg/dl, my HDL was 55, my VLDL was 20, and my total cholesterol was 259. Since my father developed heart disease …

RBBB and palpitations

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Submitted by Dr T on January 25, 2011 – 2:01pm Question:  I have RBBB, and occasional PVC’s, sometimes during exercise. Should answer 1 say ‘or you have PVC’s with right bundle branch block morphology on EKG’?? Could you tell me, are there PVC’s with a left and right bbb morphology (and which is visible on the EKG?) The first answer …