Iron deficiency anemia and clumping Platelets

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Submitted by Dr T on December 21, 2010 – 12:03pm Question:  Iron deficiency anemia can cause a high platelet count but can it also cause platelets to clump?My Lab work said my platelets were clumped on my blood smear but appeared to be increased in number so  a manual differential in 8 weeks.  This is the second sample in two …

Spaghetti with walnuts

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Submitted by Dr T on December 18, 2010 – 5:47pm in Diet & Recipes If you are like me, you get inspired to make dinner using a recipe that is fun to eat, quick and easy to make and especially, not too expensive. All too often however, there are leftovers, or you get bored with the recipe and want to …

I feel these new extra heart beats

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Submitted by Dr T on December 17, 2010 – 10:36pm Question:  Im 56 years old. 6 ft and weigh 180.In good health. Last checkup everything was fine. Perfect ekg heart checked out ok lungs clear.My question to you is recently I have been experiencing unusual skips in my heart.I am used to the normal skipped beats and had them all …

VT-111 comments

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Submitted by Dr T on December 16, 2010 – 11:54am LONDON, Dec. 16, 2010: In a press release by Viron Therapeutics about the protective effects of VT-111 during stenting, the CEO of the company announced: “Although the use of cardiovascular stents have dramatically improved the outcomes for patients with occlusive coronary artery disease, numerous studies have shown that the procedure …

Severe Chestpains and fainting

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Submitted by Dr T on December 16, 2010 – 11:16am in Cardiac Risks Question:  I am a 51 year old woman who is fit and healthy, low cholesterol, low fat diet, no food before bedtime, low to average BP and pulse. Grandfather died of heart attack at 53 the other at 73, father died early of trauma, grandmothers died of …

Heart rate during exercise

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Submitted by Dr T on December 16, 2010 – 10:55am in Your heart rhythm Question:  Hi, when I exercise my heart goes faster but it doesnt get much harder, I have recently noticed this, I am on a beta blocker 75 mg a day. I am not fat, but I havent really been active in 6 months. Its feels like …

How many PACs or PVCs are too many

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Submitted by Dr T on December 16, 2010 – 10:44am in Your heart rhythm Question:  Follow-up question: Dr T, I thank you for your time and greatly appreciate the advice.  Reading back through my initial correspondence I believe it would be better to say that when I exercise I seem to notice 3 or 4 premature beats at separate times, …

What happens after treatment for WPW syndrome?

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Submitted by Dr T on December 16, 2010 – 10:20am in Your heart rhythm Question:  Follow-up question: Thanks alot that really helps. One question, I had an ablation for wpw and they said i had dual av node pathway, the doc said he modified it. Is it possible for the arrythmia to make my heart beat weird for days? Like …

I cannot feel my heart beat

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Submitted by Dr T on December 15, 2010 – 5:10pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  Hi, I have recently started gaining more pec muscle, but its like I cant feel my heart beat except for right below my pec. Is this normal? The doc said it sounded fine but he didnt feel it, if it sounds fine then does that …