My dad has bad coronary artery disease and a poor heart

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Submitted by Dr T on October 30, 2010 – 7:34am Question:  My dad just had 5 stents put in his left main artery and left anterior descending coronary artery.  He is 58.  He had his first heart attack at 44 years of age.  He is now 58.  He has had several mild heart attacks over the years and stent procedures …

Are saturated and trans fats bad because of the cholesterol that will clog my arteries?

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Submitted by Dr T on October 29, 2010 – 8:40pm The short answer is yes. Here is the explanation: “Bad” Cholesterol Cholesterol can’t dissolve in the blood. It has to be transported to and from the cells by carriers called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is known as “bad” cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is known as “good” cholesterol. These …

What is mild aortic stenosis? What activities should I avoid?

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What is mild aortic stenosis? What activities should I avoid? Submitted by Dr T on October 29, 2010 – 4:40pm in Cardiac Risks Patients with mild Aortic stenosis should be examined every 2-3 years (including a cardiac ECHO). Unless there is a change in exercise tolerance and/or increased shortness of breath, palpitations or angina, there is no reason for you …

What are the best vitamins and supplements for a healthy heart?

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Submitted by Dr T on October 29, 2010 – 4:01pm Many people take vitamins and supplements to boost their heart health. Here are some of the supplements that may benefit your heart include : Fish oil Plant sterols Niacin Fiber (psyllium) Red yeast rice Green tea extract B-Complex vitamins (B6, B12, folic acid) Coenzyme Q10 Policosanol Diets & Supplements for Heart …

My dad has worsening Congestive Heart Failure. What should he do?

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Submitted by Dr T on October 26, 2010 – 4:27pm Question:  My dad is 74yo with Hx of CAD; 4x CABG (12yrs ago); Atrial Fib (taking warfarin/metoprolol); otherwise very healthy.  Over the past year he has had worsening SX of CHF.  He was hospitalized July 2010 for this —  had 1.5 L fluid drained from his lungs and blood transfusion …

Can you help me with my high Blood Pressure?

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Submitted by Dr T on October 23, 2010 – 12:32pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  sir kindly suggest oral medicine that can work maximum fast for fast heart rate unbearable 130 to 156 per min with or without raise of hypertension 180/110–capotril?? 25 mg(ace inhibitor that works in 20 mint)–betablocker metpploror-25 mg( works in 30 mint) any other fast acting …