AV Septum Development

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Embryology of the AV Septum: (From: Cardiovascular Embryology, http://www.indiana.edu/~anat550/cvanim/index.html) Heart Tube Development Animation of the fusion of two endocardial tubes into a single primitive heart tube: Read more Aortic Arch Development Aortic arch vessels develop from the 5th through 7th week: And another view: Read more Atrial Septal Development Embryology of the intra-atrial septum: Read more Aorta PA Development Development …

Atrial Septal Development

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Embryology of the intra-atrial septum: (From: Cardiovascular Embryology, http://www.indiana.edu/~anat550/cvanim/index.html) Heart Tube Development Animation of the fusion of two endocardial tubes into a single primitive heart tube: Read more Aortic Arch Development Aortic arch vessels develop from the 5th through 7th week: And another view: Read more Atrial Septal Development Embryology of the intra-atrial septum: Read more Aorta PA Development Development …


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Overweight and obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health, leading to reduced life expectancy and/or increased health problems. Two-thirds of American adults are overweight and one-third are obese. Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement which compares weight and height, defines people as overweight …

Bisucspid Aortic Valve (BAV) Disease

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Bisucspid Aortic Valve (BAV) Disease Anatomy Bicuspid aortic valve disease is a congenital condition (present at birth) and occurs in about two percent of the population. Instead of the normal three leaflets or cusps, the bicuspid aortic valve has only two. Without the third leaflet, the valve may: Function normally: Most patients Be too tight (stenotic) Be leaky (regurgitation) Patients …

Leek and Potato Soup

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A simple recipe that can be used as a base for many other vegetable soups.  The easiest way to make this is to cut leek and potatoes into small pieces, simmer them in water till the potatoes are soft, add a few tablespoons of butter, season with a little salt && pepper and serve. Unlike most vegetables, the white part …

Cardiac Risks Associated With Marathon Running

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Competitive sports are associated with an increase in the risk of sudden cardiovascular death (SCD) in susceptible adolescents and young adults with underlying cardiovascular disorders. In middle-age/older individuals, physical activity can be regarded as a ‘two-edged sword’: vigorous exertion increases the incidence of acute coronary events in those who did not exercise regularly, whereas habitual physical activity reduces the overall …

Crunchy tofu with a citrus-soy reduction

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If you have never eaten Tofu, this mouth watering recipe will help you decide it is time to give it a go! Easy to cook, tofu takes on many roles and adapts well to the flavors of added sauces and marinades. Seasoned and quickly pan-fried, tofu offers an excellent contrast in textures with its crispy exterior and soft creamy middle. …

Green Bean Casserole

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Green Bean Casserole: Healthy Weight, High Fiber, Healthy Heart! Active time: 30 minutes. Total: 45 minutes This healthy green bean casserole with white sauce and sliced fresh mushrooms, sweet onions and low-fat milk makes a creamy, rich casserole.  3 tablespoons canola oil, divided1 medium sweet onion (half diced, half thinly sliced), divided8 ounces mushrooms, chopped1 tablespoon onion powder1 1/4 teaspoons …

Diver’s Scallops

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Bacon Dusted Diver’s Scallops Diver scallops are hand-picked by scuba divers and are less gritty than the net-harvested variety. They are more expensive but worth it; taste one and you’ll know the difference immediately! The season runs from November to April.Here is how you prepare this delicious meal: </div></p>  Chef Piet