Dangers of Energy Drinks

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Submitted by Dr T on September 6, 2013 – 2:50am in Cardiac Risks Question:  I had 2 five hour energy shots today. Since then, my pulse has been between 120 and 130. And feeling dizzy. Is this normal? Hi Nichole, Hopefully concerned enough to not do it again! Energy drinks etc. contain large doses of caffeine, that increase your heart …

Orthodontic Procedures and Rheumatic Heart Disease

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Submitted by Dr T on September 5, 2013 – 8:11am in Cardiac Risks Question:  I am a rheumatic heart patient and I take penicilline benzathine injections every month. can I wear braces? what precaution must i do if i wear braces? Hi Suzanna, Yes, of course you can wear braces and no you don’t need special precautions. Recommendations have changed …

Worried about LBBB

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Submitted by Dr T on September 2, 2013 – 4:24am Question:  I have a LBBB, an AVblock, an a left axis deviation. Would this cause, the pain in my lower back, an the pain in my hip’s, and the swolling in my legs and feet? Answer:A left branch bundle block (LBBB) may be associated with coronary artery disease (CAD) and if so, it would …

Sudden Rapid Heart Failure

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Submitted by Dr T on September 2, 2013 – 2:36am Question:  My husband a 71 years old, wt 83 kg, height 180cm, very active with outdoor activies, including riding his bike 12 miles in less than 30 minutes per day, was diagnosed with A Fib May 2013, during a routine pre-op visit. surgery has been put on hold (herina).  He …

Recovery PVCs

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Submitted by Dr T on August 28, 2013 – 6:41am Question:  I am 39.  I saw a cardiologist last year with ectopic beats, during the day and when recovering from a quick run or quick skip.  Had 72 hour monitor and echogram.  said showed a few benign ectopic beats.  everything normal.  I have just joined a gym and now worried …

Dizziness and my ECG report results

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Submitted by Dr T on August 25, 2013 – 4:59pm Question:  I am 65 year old. I felt slightly unstable a couple of time during the day. Immediately got the  done. My readings are Rate 86; PR 140; QRSD 82;QT 396; QTC 474 AXIS P 69; QRS 6 T 4 Speed: 25 mm/sec  Limb: 10mm/mv and Chest: 10 mm/mv. The …

Heart murmur, PVCs and multiple cardiac risk factors

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Submitted by Dr T on August 23, 2013 – 9:25am Question:  24 years ago I was told that I had a heart murmur.  Within a month of that time I found out I was pregnant.  Following up through the pregnancy and after I had the child the doctors still could hear the murmur and could see it on the heart …

CT cardiac calcium score

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Submitted by Dr T on August 22, 2013 – 9:34am in Cardiac Risks Question:  I had a CT cardiac calcium score report indicating I had a right coronary artery score of nearly 18000, while each of my other coronary arteries was 400 or less (left 58, left anterior 400; left circumflex 144).  This gives a total Agatston score over 18,000. …

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and POTS

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Submitted by Dr T on August 22, 2013 – 9:18am Question:  Hi Dr T, My daughter is 21 years old and has a Connective Tissue Disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. She has had ongoing gastrointestinal issues since infancy, which have been diagnosed recently as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. She has also had 2 episodes of syncope, and multiple episodes of pre-syncope …


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Posted on August 20, 2013 – 10:21pm Ask Doctor T. Blog Ask A Question Three vessel coronary artery disease Question Three vessels disease with 100 % RCA AND CX 90%,LCA95% WHAT SHOULD DO WITH PAITENT AGE 65 yr Plz give advise Read Dr T’s Answer Stent and Failed Removal Question Prior to extensive surgery a stent was placed as a …