Coronary Artery Disease and Flying

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Submitted by Dr T on November 14, 2012 – 7:36pm Question:  I’m scheduled to fly from south Florida to San Francisco on a direct flight – 6 hours.  I have a stent, placed in 2006 in the RCA (80%) blockage and I had a 50% blockage in my LAD which was not stented. I’m into menopause and I had my …

Borderline qt results

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Submitted by Dr T on November 10, 2012 – 9:34am in Your heart rhythm Question:  Hi. I am a 30 year old fit and active female with a 5 month old baby. A few months ago i awoke in the night with a rapid heartbeat and felt dizzy. I also had the shakes. It lasted for about 20 mins and …

Skipped beats

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Submitted by Dr T on November 7, 2012 – 11:41am in Your heart rhythm Question:  I have noticed an increased pause before the compasatory beat with my PVCS. It feels like about two to three seconds before the next beat which is freaking me out! That is my heart not beating, I fear with the lengthened time waiting for the …

Cardiac tests for chest pain

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Submitted by Dr T on October 24, 2012 – 9:37am in Chest Pain Question:  I have been experiencing tightness in the chest for a couple of wks, along with pain going up the left side of my neck and down my left arm and went to the ER. I rec’d an ECG with the findings of Right atrial enlgment, Left …

Lost pulses

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Submitted by Dr T on October 23, 2012 – 8:36am in Cardiac Risks Question:  Can you tell me why my radial pulses disappear when my heart rate goes over 100 with exercise.  I can feel my carotid.  I had a cardopulmonary stress test the on bike.  My BP was 210/110 and HR 160 and my legs gave out at 7 …


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Raynaud’s disease is a condition that causes smaller arteries that supply blood to your fingers and toes to spasm (narrow), limiting the local blood circulation. Women are more often affected than men. It’s also more common in people who live in colder climates. Some people have a very sensitive vascular system with arteries that constrict more quickly with cold. In …

Extra heart beats, palpitations and stress

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Submitted by Dr T on October 21, 2012 – 4:47pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  I was diagnosed last night in the ER with Trigemy. I have been under pleny of stress for several years. I take 2.5-7.5 mg. valium in divided doses daily, (rarely as much as 7.5 up until now) for anxiety. Could this be the cause of trigeminy? …

Cardiac Risks of obesity

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Submitted by Dr T on October 20, 2012 – 2:33pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  I am 335lbs,a high risk cardiac, on simvastatin, low salt, low fat diet. How much and what kind of exercises are best for me. U am high energy, and want to be around awhile  The best way forward is to calculate your risk for heart disease. …

Chest Pain after stenting

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Submitted by Dr T on October 19, 2012 – 10:20pm in Chest Pain Question:  I am a 51 year old post menopausal female who had a moderate heart attack six months ago. My Circumflex artery was 100% blocked and stented three days after the event. I also have 60% blockage in the  Ramus artery which is being treated medically.Post event …

The future of healthcare in the US

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On Healthcare: What is the alternative to ObamaCare?  None has ever been proposed by the Republicans other than canceling it altogether. The Affordable Care Act has been talked about widely in the media. However, an issue yet to be discussed is what happens with those patients w/o insurance if ObamaCare legislation is repealed. In the past and probably also these …