Heart block during pregnancy

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Submitted by Dr T on May 31, 2012 – 10:19am in Your heart rhythm Question:  Dear dr, im a 30 year old 8 month pregnant woman. Last year may 2011 my cardiologist said that I had a rbbb and a lpfb. I may require a pacemaker for this and very terrified. Today I had 3 ekgs and it all said …

Best treatment for my dad’s coronary artery disease

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Submitted by Dr T on May 29, 2012 – 8:53am in Cardiac Risks Question:  Your question:My dad is diagnosed with 60% block in central artery and about 95% in right artery. The doctor told us about two types of stent, i) Bare Metal Stent and ii) drug eluting stent. I wanted someone to guide me on which one to use.History …

Should I see a cardio dr ….. or trust the findings

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Submitted by Dr T on May 29, 2012 – 8:28am Question:  I am a 39 year old black male 5’11 221 no history of health issues my mothe expired at 58 due not taking her high blood pressure meds. my father has high blood pressure and typ e 2 db and smokes I do not smoke and a social drinker. …


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Friday, July 31, 2015 Submitted by Dr T on May 24, 2012 – 3:51pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  Hey I’m 17 and was diagnosed with SVT about 2 months ago. I’m not on medication because I chose to have an ablation done but during the surgery they couldn’t induce the tachycardia, so it was a pointless surgery. The procedure …

heart defibulator shock

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Submitted by Dr T on May 23, 2012 – 8:41am in Your heart rhythm Question:  i am followed by a person that checks it regularly……. but they fail to explain the questions i have…… (1)  everytime they put the megneti on to check the machine i start coughing…. like i am sensitive  to it is this normal………… (2)   the shock …

AFIB and ablation

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Submitted by Dr T on May 23, 2012 – 8:32am Question:  My 36 yr old son developed AFIB a few yrs ago, his cardiologist prescribed a take as needed medication, I do not know the name, but he never prescribed a blood thinner, each passing year the AFIB progressively worsened, this past year my son was placed on several different …

Unusual Angina?

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Submitted by Dr T on May 16, 2012 – 12:00pm in Chest Pain Question:  I have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease, based on an exercise stress test, EKG’s, Echocardiogram and my description of chest tightness after walking several blocks. I currently take the “big four” heart medications: beta-blocker, nitrate, statin, aspirin. My chest tightness only seems to occur when …

Cholesterol and HDL ration numbers

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Submitted by Dr T on May 9, 2012 – 8:42am in Cardiac Risks Question:  just received my blood work back and my cholesterol level was 154. my trig were 71 my HDL was 68. my cholesterol HDL came back 2.1 and on the report they indicated tht it was low. Please advise if I should be concerned. Hi Marie,No need …

Is Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) safer for everyone?

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Is Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) safer for everyone? Submitted by Dr T on May 6, 2012 – 9:28am in Cardiac Risks Question:  Hello,What would be the clinical pathway for assessing patients with severe AS until becoming eligible for TAVI? If not eligible, what are the options available otherwise?  TAVI is a procedure developed for patients with severe aortic valve …

Is this heart failure?

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Submitted by Dr T on April 23, 2012 – 9:35am in Cardiac Risks Question:  What does having a moderate to marked decrease in lv systolic function with an estimated ejection fraction of 30-35%, with global hypokinesis, evidence for impaired diastolic relaxation mean?  What should be my objective in options for treatment, if any? Hi Connie,These findings suggest diminished heart function …