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The FDA has approved Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) for stroke reduction in people with non-valvular atrial fibrillation, following a clinical trial with more than 14,000 patients comparing  it with the anti-clotting drug warfarin. In the trial,  Rivaroxaban was similar to warfarin in its ability to prevent stroke. Rivaroxaba is an oral factor Xa inhibitor and like another new oral direct thrombin inhibitor …

Recurrent tachycardia after ablation for WPW

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Submitted by Dr T on November 8, 2011 – 1:06pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  My 16 year old son had an ablation when he was 9 for WPWS. Since then he has had many episodes of tachycardia. Over the last 4 months they have become an almost daily occurance. His HR was 253 at ER last week. His BP …

Benefits and risks associated with Statin usage

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Doctors often prescribe statins for patients with high cholesterol to  reduce their risk of a heart attack or stroke. Most people taking statins will take them for the rest of their lives, which can make statin side effects difficult to manage. In a patient with normal cholesterol levels and no risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure or cardiovascular …

Increased PVCs during menopause

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Submitted by Dr T on November 6, 2011 – 10:22am in Your heart rhythm Question:  Hello,I am a 49 year old female.  I have had pvc’s for about 24 years.  I had a full work up in the beginning and again about 15 years ago.  I also get yearly ekgs–last one in June.  All tests wre normal.  Over the years …


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Bradycardia (slow heartbeat) means that your heart rate is slower than 60 beats per minute, either occasionally or all the time. For some people (like athletes) a slow heart rate might be normal. In others, it may be dangerous. If you are not taking medications that slow your heart rate down, bradycardia may be caused by a blockage somewhere along …

Adams-Stokes Syndrome

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In this condition, the normal heartbeat passing from the hearts upper to lower chambers is interrupted. This result in a condition called a “heart block.” When a heart block occurs the heart rate usually slows considerably. This can result in inadequate blood flow to the brain and fainting.Take a look at this animation of your heart’s electrical system for a …

Mitral Valve surgery for severe leakage

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Submitted by Dr T on November 5, 2011 – 8:06am in Cardiac Risks Question:  I was operated for ASD closure. Now my mitral valve slowly got damaged, over these 25 years. Now MR is severe ++++ state. I also have AFT,last three years. Now I am 63 years old. Last two years I was put on Cordorone 100 mg and …

Mitral Valve Prolaspe and High Blood Pressure

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Submitted by Dr T on November 4, 2011 – 8:15am in Chest Pain Question:  I was diagnosed with MVP as a child and have had no serious issues except for chest pain recently associated with sternal arthritis. I was just recently put on watch for high blood pressure, would my blood pressure readings be effected by my MVP? I am …

CardiacHealth Survey

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Coronary Artery Disease on CT coronary angiography

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Submitted by Dr T on November 2, 2011 – 8:02am in Chest Pain Question:  Dear sir,My father is 74 years old, and experied some chest pain along with pain in left arm and jaw some 20 days back.we got a CT coronory angiography done for him and following results were found:Calcium score: 2370Dominant artery : RCALEFT MAIN ARTERY:Eccentric calcific plaques …