Do thickened heart valves need treatment?

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Submitted by Dr T on July 5, 2011 – 9:25am in Cardiac Risks Question:  76 yrs. no meds. walk on treadmill 1/2 hr.every other day. 5 years ago diagnosed with lbbb no problem, this year 2 thickening valves and I assume that means leaking.  What causes it besides age and how can I slow progession of it, no symptoms.  Can …

My risk for a stroke

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Submitted by Dr T on July 4, 2011 – 10:11pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  I am a 48 Y/O female I had my first CVA in 2003 at the age of 40, I was treated for a PFO and had it closed. Since then I have had 2 other CVA’s where I recieved TPA and when the CT was done …

The risk of flying with a stent

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Submitted by Dr T on July 3, 2011 – 9:51am in Cardiac Risks Question:  My 88 year old mother recently had a stent installed. She gets frequent bloody noses, is a heavy drinker. Should she fly alone after her surgery? There is no risk of stent failure because of flying.You can read more about these things here: this helps,Dr T …

Can seizures cause heart failure?

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Submitted by Dr T on July 2, 2011 – 7:59am in Other Question:  My husband has had seizures for thirty years and suddenly died of a heart failure Aug.9, 2010, could his seizures had weakened his heart throughout the years? It is unlikely your husband’s seizures had much to do with his heart unless there were rhythm problems demonstrated during …

Swollen feet after a sunburn many years ago

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Submitted by Dr T on June 30, 2011 – 11:11am Question:  When I was 26, I got a severe sunburn on my feet.  Later that day, they started swelling and got small red “pinprick” size spots; no blisters.  They swelled so big, I could barely wear flip-flops.  My doctor back then gave me hydrochlorothiazide (I believe 25 mg).  The swelling …

What is pitting edema and what can be done about it?

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Submitted by Dr T on June 30, 2011 – 11:02am Peripheral Edema is a swelling, usually of the legs, due to excessive fluid in the tissues. Standing for an extended period of time or sitting with your legs left hanging for prolonged period of time, especially in hot weather, causes excess fluid accumulation in your legs and ankles. Other conditions …

Evaluation and treatment of Pancoast Tumors

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Evaluation and treatment of Pancoast Tumors Introduction Several weeks ago a very close friend of mine contacted me with the news he had been diagnosed with lung cancer, with a prediction by his doctor not much could be done. Since we live on opposite sides of the (Atlantic) Ocean, all subsequent discussions were done by phone and without the benefit …

Could my Chest discomfort be caused by Costochondritis?

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Submitted by Dr T on June 28, 2011 – 9:12am Question:  Hello. I’m a 44 year old male, mildly overweight, and have hypertension. I am treated for hypertension and take very small dose of Plendil (5mg) daily which generally keeps my blood pressure at around 125/80 (pulse around 70). For years, I’ve had chest discomfort that will come and go …