Please help me interpret these cardiac tests

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Submitted by Dr T on July 1, 2014 – 9:50am Question:  Fibrous pericardium with granulation tissue with fibrinous exudate mild fibroblasia. There are mononuclear cell infiltrates with rare leukocytes and eosinophils What is organizing fibrinous pericarditis? What are the short term and long term implications? Thank you Hi Amy, These results mean you have had a pericardial effusion that was …

Herbs and Supplements for Heart Disease

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Submitted by Dr T on June 22, 2014 – 2:55pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  Whenever considering taking herbs or supplements, we are always told to discuss it with our healthcare professional. I’ve never met a doctor who accepted other treatment in conjunction with theirs. 1 yr ago I had a heart attack. My ejection fraction then & now is 39. …

Can my leaky valve cause shortness of breath?

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Submitted by Dr T on June 18, 2014 – 4:54pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  Thank you for your time and expertise.  I just got the results of my echocardiogram in the mail.  I am a 45yr female.  I had an avnode ablation after unsuccessfully trying to ablate multiple arrythmias, including aberrant afib.  I currently have a pacemaker. My echo states: …

Is an abnormal EKG with LBBB dangerous?

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Submitted by Dr T on June 17, 2014 – 9:33am Question:  I am a 78 yo male who has been a long distance runner for over 30 yrs.  I have been healthy; 5’7,127 lbs. My blood pressure has been borderline hypertensive over the last year so I take the smallest dose of HCTZ and take 5mg of simvastatin (chol 178, …

When Are New PVCs Dangerous?

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Submitted by Dr T on June 8, 2014 – 8:45am Question:  Have PVCs, more when relaxing, had holter am going for stress test and echo. No pain or shortness of breath. Given 20 mg of propranolol. On meds for HBP, now BP is very low 121/53. Should I discontinue the BP meds? Am 62 yr old female. Are these PVCs life …

Sudden Chest Pain Years After A Pectus Excavatum Repair

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Submitted by Dr T on June 2, 2014 – 2:14pm Question:  I am a 30 year old male who had severe Pectus Excavatum repaired via Ravitch procedure when I was 15. The surgery was mostly successful and my chest has even greatly improved. About 3 months ago I experienced sudden onset of chest pain (about a 3-4 on scale of …

Should I have an ablation for Afib?

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Submitted by Dr T on May 25, 2014 – 11:37am Question:  I have afib that is gradually getting worse.Several years ago i had an IVC filter placed after my second PE I failed tykocin and amiodarone The only two options i have been given is to have the filter removed and  a catheter ablation or a surgical ablation They are …

Why Take Hypertension Meds

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Submitted by Dr T on May 22, 2014 – 8:00am in Cardiac Risks Question:  Hi Doctor, My doctor wants to put me on an ACE inhibitor for my hypertension (160/100).  I asked him if he knew of any studies correlating longevity with long term use of BP meds, either double blind or cohort.  He avoided my question. I can’t find …

Coronary Artery Disease At A Young Age

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Submitted by Dr T on May 18, 2014 – 10:35am Question:  In 2012 my 36yr old Husband had a MI. His Cardiologist referred to it as the Widow Maker. He had a single 95% stenosis on his Proximal LAD. They put in one stent. During the angiogram the also discovered his RCA had 100% Chronic total occlusion. The LAD had …

Cardiac Health Q&A: ICDs, Diet, and Exercise

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Submitted by Dr T on May 3, 2014 – 6:00pm Question: In this short Youtube video, I’ll discuss two issues: Safety of ICDS Proper Diet, Exercise and Improving Your Cardiac Risks </div></p><div id=”comments”> <h2 style=”color: rgb(59, 153, 201);text-decoration: none;font-size: 14px;text-transform: none;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”>Comments</h2> <div> <h2 style=”color: rgb(59, 153, 201);text-decoration: none;font-size: 14px;text-transform: none;background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);”>Post new comment</h2> …