Chest pains and coronary artery disease

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Submitted by Dr T on January 6, 2011 – 11:18am Question:  I am a 34 year old female.  I have recently had awful chest pain starting about 4 months ago.  I went to my primary physician in September and he told me it was likely because I had a cold and had been coughing and strained something.  I went back …

I was told I have a biscupid valve

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Submitted by Dr T on January 6, 2011 – 10:08am in Other Question:  what is abnormal if you have too many cusps in bicuspid valve? What are the symptoms?  Can you have too many? Your heart has four valves: Read more about this here: Normally, the aortic valve has three cusps, but in about 2% of patients there is …

Something is wrong with my heart and circulation

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Submitted by Dr T on January 5, 2011 – 11:08am in Cardiac Risks Question:  Can you help with a suggestion.  At 3 was sick for 3 months with stevens johnsons syndrom.   It started the story of my life.At 33 i had a MI  (lad).   At 35 i flunked the tilt table test.  I have been hospitalized many times for White …

Severe Chest Pain after Heart Surgery

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Submitted by Dr T on January 4, 2011 – 4:56pm Question:  Dear Doctor,I am seeking your expert advice for my father who is 60 years old and had undergone a heart by-pass surgery (CABG) and Arterial Septal Defect (ASD) Surgery 2 months back in Oct 2010. After the surgery, he seemed to be doing fine for 15days or so but …

V-tach, and angina pains

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Submitted by Dr T on January 3, 2011 – 10:09pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  25 yr old male, left side chest pain, left arm pain, left jaw pain on and off for like 3 years now. heart palpitations and pvc’s. had echo, stress echo,stress test, cardiac MRI, ekg’s, event monitors, holter monitors, ct scan of chest, and cardiac ct-calcium …

Is smoking, hypertension or diabetes worse for my cholesterol?

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Submitted by Dr T on January 2, 2011 – 12:09pm in Nutrition Question:  What is a normal cholesterol and how do other risk factors affect it? All these influence your cholesterol and thus the risk for heart disease: Classification of LDL, Total, HDL Cholesterol (mg)/dL) Total Cholesterol <200         Desirable 200-239     Borderline high >240        High LDL Cholesterol …

Is Heart Failure possible in a young woman?

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Submitted by Dr T on January 1, 2011 – 11:35am Question:  2 years ago I contracted lyme infection. In fact my first symptom was heart issues. After running all standard tests including heart CT here are the results: I have had only 1 normal EKG (taken during stress test at start of problems and at the time I was training …

Alone with Palpitations and PVCs

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Submitted by Dr T on December 30, 2010 – 2:49pm Question:  I am a 39 year old healthy female who first experienced PVC’S over a year ago. I went to the ER and had all the necessary tests run. They all came back clean as a whistle and the doctor sent me on my way. I have a history of …