What do my cardiac ECHO results mean?

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Submitted by Dr T on December 15, 2010 – 4:58pm in Other Question:  Can you tell me in layman term the findings of my 2D echo result showed as follows: Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy with segmental wall hypokinesia Adequate overall systolic function Doppler evidence of decreased left ventricular compliance Mildly dilated left atrium Compared to the study done last January …

When are overweight and obesity dangerous?

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Submitted by Dr T on December 14, 2010 – 7:03pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  35 YO male; I have been diagnosed with PACs and occasional PVC; I have had nuclear stress test (07), echo (08) and of course EKG (sept), all normal.  I am 5’10” 260 lbs, over weight with mildly high BP; I am trying to exercise and when …

A cure for heart disease

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Submitted by Dr T on December 13, 2010 – 7:58pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  Is there a solution for heart disease? If so,what is it?is there a solution for heart disease? If so,what is it?   I take it you mean Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). If there was a solution for the no. one killer in America, don’t you think …

Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation with side effects

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Submitted by Dr T on December 12, 2010 – 9:14pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  Hello: I am a 61 year old male in generally good health except for idiopathic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation.I am being treated with daily Monocor and 325 mg ASA. I was diagnosed in 1984,and I get about 1-2 attacks a month.Most times it auto-converts to sinus …


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Submitted by Dr T on December 12, 2010 – 8:58pm in Nutrition Hello everyone, this is Angelina.  I just wanted to say hi and touch base with you all.  I’m currently taking classes for my PhD and am right in the middle of finals week.  I am looking forward to writing for you soon and guiding you in the area …

Do I need the supplement CoQ10 if I use a statin

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Submitted by Dr T on December 11, 2010 – 9:10am in Other Question:  If my doctor prescribes a statin for me, do I need to take the supplement, CoQ10 also? Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is similar to a vitamin. It also functions as an antioxidant, and has been used (w/o) success) in the treatment of heart failure. The use of statins …

Soreness in my left arm and heart disease in women

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Submitted by Dr T on December 11, 2010 – 8:44am in Chest Pain Question:  Hi there, I’ve had intermittent discomfort (similar to a sore ache) in my left arm for a few weeks now (with occasional numbing in my left fingertips).  I have also experienced weakness in my left leg.  The discomfort is also intermittent in left side chest area. …

How good are heart medications at reversing coronary artery disease

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Submitted by Dr T on December 10, 2010 – 10:15am Question:  Do any of the currently used heart medications (beta blockers, statins, calcium channel blockers, etc.) have the ability to reverse artery blockages or just slow down or stop their progress? Thanks.   What a good question! Take a look here for a description of the way the various heart …

Mitral Valve Prolapse with Pectus Excavatum

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Submitted by Dr T on December 9, 2010 – 7:23pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  Hello , I am a 24 yr old male with  moderate pectus excavatum along with Mitral Valve Prolapse. I was doing some research on the new minimal invasive robotic surgery for Mitral Valve Prolapse. I was wondering if having surgery to repair my mitral valve prolapse …

Statins, my liver and side effects

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Submitted by Dr T on December 9, 2010 – 7:09pm in Nutrition Question:  I am a 63 year old man who vigorously exercises at the gym 3 to 5 days a week.  I have been taking statin medication for many years for high cholesterol with good response.  My internist has, of course, monitored liver function and CK routinely and results …