I have had these bouts of chest and arm pain

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Submitted by Dr T on November 23, 2010 – 6:21pm in Chest Pain Question:  Hello Dr.T. First, let me say, thank you for donating your time and efforts to this wonderful website.Since I was about 13, I’m 36 now, I’ve had these bouts of chest/arm pain…here’s the weird part, it usually only happens when I drink soda early in the …

My irregular heart beats are getting worse and worse

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Submitted by Dr T on November 23, 2010 – 6:01pm Question:  Hello, I am a 35 yr. old. male.  Been having irregular heartbeats for about 10 years now.  Seem to be getting worse.  I have been to 6 different cardiologists.  Cannot find anything.  Have wore a monitor for 2 weeks.  Had echos, ekg’s, tilt tables.  Just recently had a trip …

What is the treatment for heart failure?

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Submitted by Dr T on November 17, 2010 – 9:12pm Heart failure (HF) is a serious, sometimes fatal disease. We have discussed what HF is, what its causes are, and how it is diagnosed. It is now time to discuss treatment: Treatment Treatment of heart failure requires several general measures, along with treatment of the disorder causing heart failure, lifestyle …

How do you diagnose heart failure?

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Submitted by Dr T on November 17, 2010 – 9:07pm The diagnosis of heart failure requires an examination and a number of tests: Diagnosis Doctors usually suspect heart failure on the basis of symptoms alone. The diagnosis is supported by the results of a physical examination, including a weak, often rapid pulse, reduced blood pressure, abnormal heart sounds and fluid …

Exercise Stress Tests


An Exercise StressTest is a useful tool for detecting coronary artery disease and for evaluating medical therapy and cardiac rehabilitation following myocardial infarction. An Exercise Stress Test is a diagnostic test in which a person walks on a treadmill or pedals a stationary bicycle while hooked up to equipment that monitors the heart. The test monitors heart rate, breathing, blood …

What causes heart failure?

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Submitted by Dr T on November 17, 2010 – 9:02pm Heart failure develops when the pumping action of the heart is inadequate, typically because the heart muscle is weaker, stiffer, or both. This blog will address some of the reasons why this happens. Causes Systolic Dysfunction: Coronary artery disease is a common cause of systolic dysfunction. It can impair large …

Can coronary artery disease cause heart failure?

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Submitted by Dr T on November 17, 2010 – 8:34pm The most common cause of heart failure is indeed coronary artery disease (CAD), but there are many other causes for heart failure. Heart Function The function of the heart is to pump. A pump moves fluid out of one place and into another. For example, the right side of the …