Is A Minor Coronary Artery Blockage Dangerous?

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Submitted by Dr T on May 3, 2014 – 8:52am in Cardiac Risks Question:  Hello im a 38 male  history – i quit smoking 1 pack a day in dec 2007 i have sinus tachacardia and currently take 100 mg atenolol 1x a day- i have had 2 episodes of lone afib exactly a year apart i was able to …

Recurrent Rhythm Problems After Cardiac Ablation

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Submitted by Dr T on May 2, 2014 – 10:57am Question:  I have had 2 ablations to treat afib – after the second ablation last October, after a rough start to the blanking period, things calmed down very nicely.  About three weeks ago, the arrhythmias returned and are now 24-7 (I was paroxysmal)and are not what was traditionally afib like …

Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease Becoming More Effective?

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Submitted by Dr T on May 1, 2014 – 4:45pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  With the Affordable Care Act and other cost-saving pressures being applied over the coming years, how will these innovations continue to improve cardiovascular care – specifically with regards to coronary artery disease?   In the treatment of CAD many studies have shown Optimal Medical Therapy is more effective for …

Chest Pains After Stenting

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Submitted by Dr T on April 30, 2014 – 8:50am Question:  I am 59 old female and had heart attack three months ago with (%95 blockage) in left artery. I had a stent placed, however; still have some pain in jaw,lower back of the head, mid chest discomfort, heart palpitations. I have been at the Emergency  many times (3 times …

Cold Sensitivity After A Heart Attack

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Submitted by Dr T on April 26, 2014 – 7:38am Question:  I am 57 years old. Ever since I had a heart attack a year ago (100% LAD occlusion), I have been extremely sensitive to cold, and even cool air. Sometimes it even starts palpitations. Is this normal? My cardiologist blows it off like it’s not worth discussing, but I’m …

Increasing PVCs after coronary artery bypass surgery

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Submitted by Dr T on April 19, 2014 – 10:47am in Cardiac Risks Question:  2 years ago my husband had quad CABG. (No heart attack). During a colonoscopy 3 years ago they noticed PVCc on his ECG, he wasn’t even aware of them. However, in the last year they have increased noticably, he says they “wear him out”. He is …

Treating Esophageal Cancer

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Submitted by Dr T on April 4, 2014 – 7:21pm in Other Question:  I was very interested to read about your patient Bill who survived 27 years after you operated on his oesophagus. You mentioned that you used unconventional theraphy combined with Chemo and radiotheraphy.  I have been diagnosed with Oesophagus cancer and am seeing the oncologist tomorrow to get …

Aortic Valve Surgery in High Risk Patients

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Submitted by Dr T on April 4, 2014 – 6:50pm in Cardiac Risks Question:  TAVR vs. SAVR. My 85 mother has severe AS.  Went to one hospital where tey have done 140 TAVR’s andthey said she is a high risk patient and they would do theTAVR.  Hospital has a good reputation.  Went to oneof the top 5 cardiachospitals in he …

Surviving a heart attack

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Submitted by Dr T on April 4, 2014 – 6:36pm Question:  I’m 42 and had a cardiac infarction two months ago.  My LDA was 99% blocked with what seemed mostly like clots from ruptured plaque.  I was able to get to the ER within an hour of my attack and it looks like I didn’t suffer any damage to the …

Cardiac Syndrome X

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Submitted by Dr T on March 28, 2014 – 4:52pm Question:  I was diagnosed with cardiac x syndrome 2 years ago but now the cardiologist says I have no cardiac problem apart from 4 positive ECGs have no further test he has taken me off the medication after a year and now I have breathlessness, the palpitations have changed a …