Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome

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Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) Syndrome Submitted by Dr T on September 12, 2010 – 10:22am Question:  Hello, I went to the hospital to the emergency with chest pains. I’m 25, they took tests and returned to tell me I have wolf parkinsons white syndrome. I was wondering how bad this is. I made an appointment with a cardiologist for next week but …

Blood pressure problems after PCI

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Submitted by Dr T on September 12, 2010 – 8:03am Question:  My husband, age 40, has a past history of double bypass and 13 stents (terrible family history).  He had another stent placed this past week at the proximal end of his RCA.  This is a ‘HUGE’ artery according to his physicians.  He was recently placed on the new drug …

Is Adequate Testing Being Done (an elderly woman on lots of medications)?

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Is Adequate Testing Being Done (an elderly woman on lots of medications)? Submitted by Dr T on September 10, 2010 – 11:00am Question:  My 90 year old Mother has recently had problems with blood thinning, blood pressure dropping, and periodic heart fluttering. The doctors ruled out any heart abnormalities and “shocked” her heart somehow back into normal pattern. She was …

Is heart bypass surgery necessary to treat unstable angina?

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Submitted by Dr T on September 10, 2010 – 9:47am The medical literature and my own experience support this course of action: If you have only one or two blockages (unless it includes a “Left Main Lesion”) and a good heart function , a Stent is usually the best option; If you have three or more blockages, a “Left Main”, …

Italian style Chicken Breasts

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Submitted by Dr T on September 9, 2010 – 1:27pm As promised, I put my money where my mouth is and last night cooked up the recipe listed elsewhere on my website… with a few alterations. The first change was away from the grill (it was raining). I used the marinade as suggested but did it in a plastic storage …

I am worried about V Tach (Ventricular Tachycardia)

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I am worried about V Tach (Ventricular Tachycardia) Submitted by Dr T on September 9, 2010 – 10:32am Question:  I am a 26yrs old woman with 2 young children, healthy exept an under-active thyroid (controlled with meds). I was treated for palpitations 5 yrs ago  with monitoring, 24hr EKGs and a tilt table test; all normal except sinus tachycardia and …

Palpitations and PVCs

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Submitted by Dr T on September 8, 2010 – 4:12pm in Your heart rhythm Question:  Are PVC’s considered an arrhythmia disorder and are they dangerous? Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) are an arrhythmia and relatively common. Some people are very sensitive and feel every abnormality, others are blissfully unaware of them. PVCs may indicate the presence of underlying heart disease. If …

Chest pain and gym workout

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Submitted by Dr T on September 7, 2010 – 11:02am Question:  I am 46 years old male.  I am in teaching profession in a college.  I was going to gym in my early 30s and then discontinued as I was doing Ph.D. at that time and had to spend time for my Ph.D.  But after that whenever I found time …


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Submitted by Dr T on September 5, 2010 – 11:03am in Diet & Recipes Today I will start a new category, recipes. I want to put my money where my mouth is and eat what I recommend to you out there. The idea is to publish a heart healthy recipe that is both good for you and delicious. Many more …