Submitted by Dr T on January 22, 2014 – 5:57pm in Cardiac Risks Question: Hi! I have been struggling with PVCs for years now. Had every test under the sun..multiple holters and echoes, mri anf stress test. What confuses me is that they change so much in their appearance. I can get them like crazy at rest…sometimes not. However my main concern …
Refeeding Syndrome
Submitted by Dr T on January 12, 2014 – 2:00pm Question: I’m 18,5’7,and have been anorexic/bulimic for 2 1/2 years now. 3 weeks ago, I was 131 lbs but then I relapsed and started eating 0-400 calories and now I am at 116 lbs. I HAVE to be in the 130’s in three weeks for my doctors’ appointments. How much …
Abnormal Everything Heart
Submitted by Dr T on January 9, 2014 – 11:17am in Cardiac Risks Question: I have had 3 stents. 2000 95% RCA, 2002 LCA and in 2003 circumflex.Has been on Altace (until reaction to it).Been taking Diovan 320, Lipitor 80, dilitiazem 120 x2 daily, toprol 50 twice a day, My average BP was 140/90 pulse 80ish.I have always had abnoraml …
New Cardiac Risks Calculator
This algorithm was published late 2013 by The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology. It includes a Cardiac Risk Algorithm for adult patients w/o known Cardiovascular disease between 40-79 years old that includes assessments of 10-year and lifetime cardiac risks. Current guidelines for the treatment of cholesterol to reduce cardiovascular risk recommend that the following four groups …
BMI Calculator
Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. This calculator provides BMI and the corresponding BMI weight status category for adults, 20 years old and older. A Healthy Weight Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is important for overall health and can help you prevent and …
Heart burn or angina and palpitations
Submitted by Dr T on January 3, 2014 – 12:27pm Question: Your Question: 37 y/o male with Sudden onset of palpitations w/SVT episode 6/mo ago. Second SVT 1/week ago. Normal echo, stress echo and EKG. PVCs and few cases of heart block. Chest pain with/without exercise, comes and goes in waves. Sensation of heartburn not relieved by antacids. Am I …
Hypertension treatment
Submitted by Dr T on December 11, 2013 – 1:02pm in Cardiac Risks Question: im 80 year old male with diabetes and hypertension,and atrial blood pressure was controlled by 20mg of linisopril at day and 5mg of amlodipine at nite.for the past 3 weeks around 900pm my blood pressure would start to rise and go as high as 170/80.i …
How long do cardiac bypasses last?
Submitted by Dr T on December 9, 2013 – 10:32am in Cardiac Risks Question: It’s been 12 year since my bypass operation, and the arteries were removed from my right leg, what I would like to know is how long do they last before they need to be replaced? Thanks, Ed Hi Ed, Your bypass was done using veins from your …
Pain after open heart surgery
Submitted by Dr T on December 2, 2013 – 3:29pm in Chest Pain Question: Dear Dr T,Following a CABG X3 in Sept 2012 I have had ongoing chest soreness. I had an echo done in the summer which showed slight heart damage and an EF of 50-55%. At my own request I also had a treadmill stress test about 2 …
Premature Ventricular Contractions or Coronary Spasms
Submitted by Dr T on November 27, 2013 – 10:50am Question: I am 44 female, don’t smoke, no BP, no diabetes, no cholesterol. I have always had pvc’s but they were once in a while. Since the beginning of 2013 I have them more frequently and sometimes the heartbeat is so painful, it’s like a knife stabbing me from inside. …