Submitted by Dr T on December 27, 2012 – 6:22pm in Cardiac Risks Question: Im 40 and in otherwise good health. My BP has typically been borderline. I will have some good readings and then some that are borderline high. I check at home several times a week ( father had hypertension). I have noticed the last couple weeks, I …
Resistant Hypertension
Submitted by Dr T on December 22, 2012 – 1:07pm Question: Greetings Doctor,I am a 23 year old male 200 lbs, 5,11 at age 21 I went to my doctors office and discovered that my systolic pressure was too high 160/80. Over the years I have begun exercising everyday, eating very little sodium etc. This did nothing and as of …
Trans catheter Aortic Valve Implantation after previous coronary artery bypass surgery
Submitted by Dr T on December 20, 2012 – 10:20am in Cardiac Risks Question: I have been diagnosed with aortic valve stenosis moderate to severe and tricuspid valve severe. I had some complications with CABG 4 yrs ago. At my age (77) would I possibly be a candidate for TAVI or MIS valve repair? Tks. Trans-catheter Aortic-Valve Implantation (TAVI) is …
PVCs and Exercise
Submitted by Dr T on December 16, 2012 – 10:23am Question: I have PVCs when I am resting and exercising. Over the last three years since the PVCs started I have become more sedentary, overweight and I am now sleeping 10-12 hours a night to reduce the PVCs when at work. I sleep like the dead, when I used to …
Chest pains, otherwise healthy
Submitted by Dr T on December 11, 2012 – 3:43pm in Chest Pain Question: I’m a 37 y/o healthy male, no high blood pressure or cholesterol. In the past I have experienced chest pain (usually sharp,short lasting). In the past couple of years I’ve had ekg,stress test,heart ultra sound and all turned out to be normal other than some palpitations. …
Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia
Submitted by Dr T on December 10, 2012 – 7:03pm Question: A little back history: I am a 26 yeard old male 6′ 255 pounds (at the time) woke up on Sept 23rd with crushing chest pain in the middle of the night. I made my way to the bathroom and my heart rate was through the roof. I woke …
Heart failure and other cardiac risks
Submitted by Dr T on December 8, 2012 – 10:05am in Cardiac Risks Question: My father was told today his heart is functioning only 15%. He is a diabetic and has a defiberlator.His feet has been swollen for a few weeks.Also a smoker about a pack a day.What does this mean?How ill is he?Thank you Hi Darlene,None of this is …
Increasing PVCs
Submitted by Dr T on December 7, 2012 – 10:31am Question: I have had ectopics (pvc’s) for 8 years. They began after an operation. After the operation I had low blood calcium, though this seemed to correct itself after a week or so. At the time, 2004, I had ekg and I think an ultrasound. I was told they were …
High blood pressure and other cardiac risks
Submitted by Dr T on December 7, 2012 – 9:55am Question: I have high blood pressure and it is not controlled w/meds (I have no health insurance)…I have had bouts of chest pain attributed to angina…I had one incident 10 or so years ago horrible pain in center of chest, nausea, sweats, and an ambulance took me to the ER …
Coronary artery disease and Left Branch Bundle Block
Submitted by Dr T on December 5, 2012 – 9:34am Question: Your question:I had a stent put in about 7 years ago now. I recently had a stress test and it was stopped because they said I had a left branch bundle block. Is there a relationship to the blocked arteries that were not proven to need stents a few …