Beta Blockers are drugs that slow the heart rate, decrease cardiac output, lessen the force with which the heart muscle contracts and reduce blood vessel contraction. This lessens the work load for your heart, which means there is less energy demand. If your heart has blocked coronary arteries, the regional blood (and thus the energy) supply is limited. Beta blockers …
What foods can help strengthen a weak heart?
Foods such as nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables and oils contain beneficial compounds that include plant sterols, soluble fiber and monounsaturated fats. When these foods are used in a low saturated fat, low cholesterol diet, they can lower your cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. However, no diet will do the trick if portions are too big or without …
Is it Asthma or Heart Disease?
Q: I have a question about my father — a 74 year old man in relatively good health. He’s fairly active – but has asthma and is about 20 pounds overweight. His breathing has been declining rapidly and the PA at his asthma doctor’s office put him on Prednisone and antibiotics for one week — and wants him to see …
My dad has bad coronary artery disease and a poor heart
Q: My dad just had 5 stents put in his left main artery and left anterior descending coronary artery. He is 58. He had his first heart attack at 44 years of age. He is now 58. He has had several mild heart attacks over the years and stent procedures 2 other times so he has approximately 15 stents and …
I have read that carbs & sugar can turn into fat is that true?
Yes. Some of the carbs you eat are use immediately to produce energy now, some will be stored in your liver as an energy source for later and some of it will be converted to fat. The reason we focus in this website on heart healthy eating (among other things) is because it so important for our health.
Are saturated and trans fats bad because of the cholesterol that will clog my arteries?
The short answer is yes. Here is the explanation: “Bad” Cholesterol Cholesterol can’t dissolve in the blood. It has to be transported to and from the cells by carriers called lipoproteins. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is known as “bad” cholesterol. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is known as “good” cholesterol. These two types of lipids, along with triglycerides and Lp(a) cholesterol, …
What is mild aortic stenosis? What activities should I avoid?
A: Patients with mild Aortic stenosis should be examined every 2-3 years (including a cardiac ECHO). Unless there is a change in exercise tolerance and/or increased shortness of breath, palpitations or angina, there is no reason for you to restrict any activities.
I have Leukemia and chest pains. What could be going on?
Q: i am a 26 yr old female and i have (AML) i had to have a toe amputated and leukemia. i been having some chest pain on the left side that goes into my arm down to my finger tips the feeling of it may be some times felt as a burning or a trying to get a cramp …
I am having Chest Pain, what does it mean?
Each year, six million adult patients in the U.S. see their doctor because of chest pain. This pain may be caused by a variety of factors that may include diseases such as coronary artery disease, gastro-intestinal pain such as acid reflux (“Hiatal Hernia”), pain from your lungs (pneumonia, or a collapsed lung), “costochondritis” or physical injuries or a host of …
Pan-Seared Trout with Plumb Salsa and Shell-Bean Succotash
Plum salsa – I would never have come up with the plums in this recipe; one of the delights of cooking with someone else. Sweet-tart plums; cilantro, lime, and jalapeños to make it a spicy salsa. This food adventure begins thus here, mix and set aside.