Q: Hello – i have just been diagnosed with “Mitral valve regurgitation ” i have apparently had a leaking heart since birth and my valve has prolapsed. and is now leaking. I have seen a cardiologist who has done an echo and a stress test she has advised that the leak is quite moderate and has organized for me to …
PCI outcomes in small coronary arteries
In a new study, Small Coronary Vessel PCI outcomes, the authors identified coronary arteries < 3mm in diameter as an independent risk factor for early restenosis. Quoting an article published in 1996:“small arteries remains a major challenge to revascularization procedures, as coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) is limited by high rates of technical failure”, they then identified DES as superior to …
Halibut cooked en Papillote with Julienned Vegetables
I am a big fan of Halibut, but somewhat hesitant to cook fish at home and usually reserve fishy adventures to a visit to dedicated restaurants, of which Portland, Maine, has a better supply than most cities in other parts of the world. This recipe has cured me of that ailment, and from now on, I will be somewhat more …
What is an embolism and how does it happen?
Question: is it possible that an emboli can cause an incomplete obstruction or it is a must that emboli are migratory and cause complete obstruction ? also if part of blood clot migrate from thrombus and attach to atheromatoius plaque causing no obstruction is it also called embolus???
Since I started taking Zocor, I have had severe leg cramps
Question: I have been taking Zocor for 5 months. About a month ago, I started to have severe leg cramps. Could Zocor be causing this pain? My cholesterol was 240 and is now about 130. Are there any problems with stopping for awhile and starting again? What are the risks?
I had an echocardiogram that showed pulmonary hypertension. What does it mean?
Question: I just learned that an echocardiogram from 2.5 years ago indicated “mild pulmonary hypertension.” (sPAP was extimated at 38 mmHg.) The echo was done to try to diagnose sudden attacks of shortness of breath that have become less frequent since then. (No luck with a diagnosis, by the way.) My brand new pulmonologist wants to do another echo and …
What is Twisted Coronary Artery Syndrome?
I am afraid there is no such thing. There may be tortuous coronary arteries, and there is an Acute Coronary Artery Syndrome.
What does right atrial hypertrophy mean? What treatments are available?
Right atrial hypertrophy or enlargement is a result an increased amount of blood in the Right Atrium. This can be due to obstruction downstream, backwards flow across a leaking (“tricuspid”) valve, a defect in the wall between the Left and Right Atrium (an “Atrial-Septal Defect”), or a conduction abnormality to name a few possibilities. It can be diagnosed by EKG, …
I woke up with severe sudden chestpain, but they couldn’t find anything
Question Info: Age- 18, Female, Had ASD repair when I was 8 years old, normal BP and HR, Good health no other medical conditions. The other night I was woke up out of my sleep with severe chest pains, they pain seemed deep and was worse while I was lying, bending forward, or breathing deeply. I have had a history …
Chicken au Champagne
Chicken au Champagne Unlike Mireille, I am not enough of a Champagne aficionado to splurge on Veuve Clicquot for food, and never drink Vermouth or Pernod. The first change therefore is to use a cheaper Champagne instead of the exalted version the CEO of that company uses. There is no question however, that even though the wine cooks off while roasting …