Question: My husband, age 40, has a past history of double bypass and 13 stents (terrible family history). He had another stent placed this past week at the proximal end of his RCA. This is a ‘HUGE’ artery according to his physicians. He was recently placed on the new drug Effient instead of his usual Plavix. He was discharged home …
Is Adequate Testing Being Done (an elderly woman on lots of medications)?
The question: My 90 year old Mother has recently had problems with blood thinning, blood pressure dropping, and periodic heart fluttering. The doctors ruled out any heart abnormalities and “shocked” her heart somehow back into normal pattern. She was switched to Coumadin. She’s on several meds. including Lisinopril/Norvasc(blood pressure), Neurontin(legs/feet), Symbalta(Depression), Synthroid(Thyroid), Lasix(Kidneys), & Omeprazole(Dyspepsia). I’m thinking of maybe getting …
Is heart bypass surgery necessary to treat unstable angina?
The medical literature and my own experience support this course of action: If you have only one or two blockages (unless it includes a “Left Main Lesion”) and a good heart function , a Stent is usually the best option; If you have three or more blockages, a “Left Main”, damage to your heart, or are a Diabetic, you are …
What are some of the causes of Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs)?
I seem to be getting a lot of questions about rhythm problems. As a heart surgeon, my perspective of this condition is very different from others doctors.
I am worried about V Tach (Ventricular Tachycardia)
I am a 26yrs old woman with 2 young children, healthy exept an under-active thyroid (controlled with meds). I was treated for palpitations 5 yrs ago with monitoring, 24hr EKGs and a tilt table test; all normal except sinus tachycardia and occasional supraventriclar ectopic beats. After the birth of my 2nd son again palpitations: Again all tests were normal exept …
Palpitations and PVCs
Question: Are PVC’s considered an arrhythmia disorder and are they dangerous? Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) are an arrhythmia and relatively common. Some people are very sensitive and feel every abnormality, others are blissfully unaware of them. PVCs may indicate the presence of underlying heart disease. If a patient has NO significant underlying heart disease, PVCs are probably not dangerous. Most …
Chest pain and gym workout
Question: I am 46 years old male. I am in teaching profession in a college. I was going to gym in my early 30s and then discontinued as I was doing Ph.D. at that time and had to spend time for my Ph.D. But after that whenever I found time I used to do some exercise with dumbbells. I am …
Hole in heart
Question: my mother has a hole in her heart its the second time is this extremly dangerous dhes obese and has very high blood presure last time the docter closed it and said she was fine should i be worried
Pain in the heart
Question: For 3 months now I’ve been having health issues.It started with mild pain in the middle of the breastbone and when after a few days I had constant palpitations.When to the doctor,had an ECG, the results came back fine.Also had a 24hr heart monitor, the results was fine again. Since the palpitations has settled but the pain is still …