Eight failed stents in a row!
Question: i just had a heart attack again on the 19 of march 2016 they put a stent in me again to open up the flow this will be my 8th stent but now i am still having a lot of presure in my chest is that normal it is uncomfortible or is there something else going on? Answer: …
Lunch! Some of us look forward to it all morning and it keeps us going through the afternoon. Or is it the Italian cuisine with its great variety of different ingredients ranging from fruits, vegetables, sauces, meats and wine, lasting hours and followed by a siesta?
This section will include a variety of recipes that will start with Breakfast and end with Desert at the other end of the day. Information about diets you can find elsewhere. In addition to providing you with delicious food (I hope), the recipes will include nutritional information, such as calories, cholesterol, salt and other ingredients.
Ask Dr T Blog
Three vessel coronary artery disease Posted by Dr T on July 21, 2015 – 4:05pm In patients with extensive disease such as yours, by far the best solution is a coronary bypass operation if non-medical treatment is needed. I have written about this extensively and hope reading this link will help you, Look at the results I achieved with my …