Q: If my doctor prescribes a statin for me, do I need to take the supplement, CoQ10 also?
Soreness in my left arm and heart disease in women
Q: Hi there, I’ve had intermittent discomfort (similar to a sore ache) in my left arm for a few weeks now (with occasional numbing in my left fingertips). I have also experienced weakness in my left leg. The discomfort is also intermittent in left side chest area. I am wondering if this is muscle related or is it something I …
How good are heart medications at reversing coronary artery disease
Q: Do any of the currently used heart medications (beta blockers, statins, calcium channel blockers, etc.) have the ability to reverse artery blockages or just slow down or stop their progress? Thanks.
Mitral Valve Prolapse with Pectus Excavatum
Q: Hello , I am a 24 yr old male with moderate pectus excavatum along with Mitral Valve Prolapse. I was doing some research on the new minimal invasive robotic surgery for Mitral Valve Prolapse. I was wondering if having surgery to repair my mitral valve prolapse would interfere with me also wanting to have the Nuss procedure done for …
Statins, my liver and side effects
Q: I am a 63 year old man who vigorously exercises at the gym 3 to 5 days a week. I have been taking statin medication for many years for high cholesterol with good response. My internist has, of course, monitored liver function and CK routinely and results have always been WNL. However, just last week the CK came back …
Anesthesia and arrhythmias
Q: Hi, my dad is 56 years old with diabetes and high blood pressure. Yesterday he was supposed to have a bipolar hip replacement and after the anesthesia as they turned him over to start the incision his heart stopped for 2 seconds and they had to revive him with CPR then they told us that he had arrhythmia, so …
Cardiac ECHO measurements
Q: We have some Cardiologists who dictate E:A ratio and some who also in the same report say E:A and later E:a, or E/A and E/a. I’ve searched but don’t find anything conclusive as to why anything else would be correct other than E:A or E/A. Could I get some feedback please? Thank you.
Heavy heart beat and smoking
Q: i am 23 years old and i smoke i have smoked for 13 years and i dont if my heart has something to do with the smoking but everything maybe 3 or 4 times its like my heart stops and feel its different heart beat a really heavy heart beat i hope u understand and let me know what …
I am overweight and worried about exercising
Q: Thank you for taking my question. I am a 35 yo female who has had all the cardiac tests you can imagine. Everything from echoes to a cardiac CTA. All tests were normal. The most recent test (CTA) was one year ago. Since that time I have gained a considerable amount of weight due to anxiety regarding exercise and …
Long Term Survival of Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus
Carcinoma of the esophagus is a relatively rare but very lethal disease. 50% of all patients diagnosed will have adeno carcinoma, which has been associated with a very poor long term survival. During my residency, I had the honor of working with F. Henry Ellis, one of the giants of esophageal surgery in the US. Yet even he confessed that …