Can constipation cause PVCs?

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I had an EKG and it show 2 PVCs and I wore a halter monitor for 24 hours and was told  it was normal to have PVC’s and not to worry. I worry! When they first started about a year ago, (I’m a 55 year old healthy female) I thought it was my stomach as I can tell when they are going to happen and I feel a weird sensation in the top part of my stomach and it’s very unnerving to say the least. My question is can stomach problems or IBS or constipation cause these PVC’s. I also take a lot of laxatives due to cronic constipation can this cause PVC’s.


Most extra beats are innocuous if your heart is otherwise normal. Symptoms of palpitations represent 15-25 percent of all the symptoms reported by female heart patients. They are often associated with:

* Premenstrual syndrome
* Pregnancy
* Perimenopausal period

When palpitations are present, your doctor should begin your evaluation by looking for underlying heart disease. The importance of palpitations and the need for treatment is determined by the presence of underlying heart disease, the type of irregular heart beats that are occurring and other symptoms that are present.
You can read more here:
You’ll find these are rather common complaints and most people don’t need treatment, only reassurance once their heart proves OK.
The problem with laxatives is that with chronic use they become less effective as you will have noticed. Other than that, PVCs may occur during strenuous coughing, straining during a bowel movement or lifting heavy weights.
Hope this helps,
Dr T

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