Aortic dissection

Dr TAsk Doctor T, Chest Pain, Diagnosis, Therapy, Treatment 2 Comments

Introduction Aortic dissection results from a tear in the inner layer of the aortic wall (called intimal tear). Blood pumped from the heart into the aorta pushes the layers further apart in an upstream or downstream direction (or both, see below) and block side branches that may include Your coronary arteries, causing a heart attack Arteries to your brain , …

Broken Heart Syndrome

Dr TAsk Doctor T, Cardiac Risks, Chest Pain 1 Comment

Question:    Hi. Can you please explain the difference between a heart attack and Broken Heart Syndrome.  My daughter had a baby and then the next day was told she was having a heart attack.  Her cardiac enzymes did elevate.  Now the doctor is calling it Broken heart syndrome.  Would cardiac enzymes elevated with broken heart syndrome or only in …


Dr TCardiac Risks, Chest Pain, Treatment 1 Comment

Question:    I’m 61 and on my last visit to my cardiologist, he wanted to do a heart cath to see if anything was going on in my heart.  I had been to the emergency room 2X in the prior two months with high BP 200/110 on one occasion and 180/100 on the other.  In both cases my heart rate …

Aortic Dissection Type B complications

Dr TChest Pain Leave a Comment

Question:  My 78 year-old active mother was flown to an out of town hospital last week after she was diagnosed with Aortic Dissection Type B. She is being managed with medication in order to keep her blood pressure under control.  There was no surgical intervention. Tests (CT scans, blood work, sonogram) did not show that any of her organs or …