Q: I am a 63 year old male. I had a MI and subsequent CABG4 in the fall of 2007. An echo done in July of 2008 showed my LVEF at 40-45%. I was on a beta blocker, a statin and aspirin at the time. I stopped taking all meds in July of 2008. In August of 2010 I had …
A teaching moment
This morning one of my readers gave me low rating: he had asked for advice about his heart pounding in his heart at night after heavy drinking. My advice included to stop (among many other things), but since he “already knew that”, the rest of my consultation was useless to him.
Marfan’s Syndrome and smoking
Q: So i have Marfan’s Syndrom, diagnosed at 9 months, been followed for it my whole life(18 now). the last few years ive been having unexplained chest pains, been to the cardiologist and they say everything is within normal range and my MVP is no longer a danger of happening. sence i had started smoking 2 years ago its been …
Very slow heart rate and fainting
Q: Have had high labile blood pressure for last twenty years. Getting ready for cardiac pulmonary stress test became cold, clammy, excessive sweating heart rate dropped to 35. Skin color gray. I fainted and was sitting down. Have 3 heart stents, last one placed 10/2010. Have Cad. What could cause this? And is there some testing I should have done?
My husband had an abnormal ekg
Q: my husband went to the dr.s for a check up last week. The dr did an ekg on him because he has never had one..he is 53. They called today and said he had a specialist or wanted a specialist to see him to do stress echo. They said his ekg was abnormal…maybe poor circulation, blocked arteries…my huband was …
Heart Palpatations
Q: Occasionally I feel my heart skip a beat or “flutter” a few times a week. This can happen either when I do excerise, or even at quiet moments. Its very scary. I am healthy at 153lbs. 44 years old, and did have a EKG checkup 2 years prior to 2010. Everything checked out normal on the dr’s printout then. …
Chest pains
Q: my mother(55 year old) has felt chest pain(left & center)with left hand pain more than two times.also felt chest cogestion.she felt relief after taking isodril once.today she has checked up by doctor.ecg and tmt test reports is normal.but has some high level of cholestrol.doctor said that there is no heart problem.it may be muscular pain only due to less …
Chest pain after thymectomy
Q: I’m 48,had TAHBSO for endometrial ca (stage1) then Thymectomy (benign thymolipoma) both surgery 2008. Nov2010 had sternal wire removed due to constant nerve pain. Feb2011 thought I had heart attack, as the pain started from left arm radiating to my heart, searing or tearing kind of pain. Prior to that, been having left arm pain/weakness pre and post thymectomy. …
Inferior Q-wave follow up
Q: What sort of other causes would lead to an inferior Q-wave besides the MI? Upon further review of the EKG, the cardiologist does want me to come in for the stress test. Is it really possible for one to have an MI and not know they had one. I have not had any issues with my heart at all …
Aberrant beats
Q: I have recently had a 24 hr ECG which showed frequent aberrant beats, 3 couplets and 4 cycles of trigeminy. I am 26 weeks pregnant. I first noticed an irregular heart beat about 3 weeks ago. Is this anything to worry about? My doctor is sending me for an echocardiogram. Thank you