This weekend I learned that in January one of my patients, Bill G, had passed away. When I first saw him in 1983, he was referred to me as a last ditch treatment effort of what was thought to be an incurable disease: Carcinoma of the esophagus. At the time, very few surgeons in Northern New England were involved with …
My Aortic valve is leaking badly
Q: Three years ago I was diagnosed with severe aortic regurgitation due to a Bisucspid Aortic Valve. I am now 31 years old with a blood pressure stats around 145/50. I’ve always been extremely active playing basketball and lifting weights regularly. Before diagnosis I felt great and had no idea anything was wrong with me. However, since being diagnosed I …
I am so worried about my PVCs
Q: Hi I am a 43 y/o female. I have had PVCs over the past 4-6 years two weeks ago they became frequent actually about 1000 on a halter monitor with a short run of SVT and I had several PACs. ECG normal, echo normal, I can exercise with no SOB, chest pain, dizziness etc. AM I healthy, will I …
I may have Paroxysmal Supra Ventricular TachyCardia (PSVT)
Q: I have had several episodes of what I am assuming is PSVT (I am a critical care RN by trade), 5 in the last 2 months. It doesn’t seem to corrolate with anything except it usually happens within the first 1-2 miles of my run..usually my HR jumps to 220-230, longest episode lasted about ten minutes and finally broke …
New onset of tachycardia
Q: About 6 months ago i started having fast heartbeat(110 to 130bpm) while just sitting around or in bed. My internist doctor did stress/blood/holter/pulmonary tests, said I have psvt and prescribed Cardizem, a calcium blocker. i took it for three weeks and stopped because it didn’t stop the symptoms and it made me dizzy. I am a 70 year old …
Leek, Onion and Potato with Green Pea puree soup
Once again, I am teaching medical students in Boston. This means I stay with my daughter during the week and the exposure to a fellow soup foodie’s preferences, this time potato and leek soup. Described in “ French women don’t get fat” by Mireille Guiliano, leek soup has taken on a certain “je ne sais qoi”, and I was curious …
History of CHF with painful cramps in armpits and breasts
Q: Hello, I’m a 55 year old woman, and a psychologist. Six years ago I was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and a cardiomyopathy. For the last 2 years, I have been getting excrutiating painful cramps that start near my armpit and go into my breast. The cramps last for about 10 to 15 minutes, my blood pressure gets …
Heaviness in my chest
Q: Hi I am a 26 year old female who is not in the best shape. I am 5’1 and about 145 pounds. I have been having slight chest heaviness on my left side of chest and left arm. It does not really hurt it is just annoying and concerning because it is constant. I was wondering if you know …
Long QT Syndrome
Q: Hi.I have many Ectopic beats, and have an Anxiety Dissorder. I read somwhere that poeple with Anxiety, Social Phobia have Longer QT intervels.Am I ate risk? Thanks.
Despite many blood tests for my elderly mother they cannot seem to get it right
Q: Hello Dr. Doctort, My 92 year old Mom has been in the hospital for heart, brain, kidney, and stomach tests. They’re having a hard time of it lowering her B.P. from around average systolic of 200. Do any of the tests that her cardiologists, intern, nephrologist, and lab perform in the hospital adequately measure levels of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, …