Question: I am a 43 y/o female, 68 in, 145 lbs. Heathy, do not smoke. Chol normal except LDL 114. HDL 52. Recently had an ECG as part of a physical and the printout read Probable Anteroseptal MI, age indeterminate. The internal medicine MD said this is a normal variation for tall, thin females. He recommends no further follow …
CTCA for screening of acute chest pain syndrome (ACPS)
The accuracy of 64-slice computed tomographic coronary angiography (CTCA) and its ability to direct revascularization in patients with acute chest pain syndrome (ACPS) was investigated in an article published in The American Journal of Cardiology on 08/09/2010.
What Should You Do If You Suspect You Are Having A Heart Attack?
If you think you may be having a heart attack: If you are with someone, tell that person you may be having a heart attack and want to get to the hospital immediately. Have the person call 911 or the emergency services number. If you are alone, call 911 or the emergency services number immediately. Do not drive yourself to …
How does the heart-lung bypass machine cause blood clots?
A: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is a technique that temporarily takes over the function of the heart and lungs during surgery, maintaining the circulation of blood and the oxygen content of the body. In a small percentage of patients this causes complications that may include a stroke. This depends to a large extent on the patient’s condition, but also on the …
Why is heart disease in women different?
When still in practice, a friend of mine, diabetic, hypertensive and a smoker developed chest pains walking in the cold and going upstairs. When seen in the ER, the cardiologist disagreed with my diagnosis of angina and CAD. After pleading with him, he agreed (reluctantly) to go ahead and schedule a cardiac catherization. A while later he called me that, …
Will a testosterone shot have any adverse effects on an artery stent?
Testosterone supplementation has been shown to increase muscle mass and strength in healthy older men. However, a new study, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine 1), showed that in older men (>74 yo), testosterone treatment was associated with an significantly higher rate of cardiovascular adverse events.
Why do women have mitral valve prolapse (MVP) more often than men?
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) affects approximately 150 million people worldwide. Studies have shown that MVP is more common in women than in men. According to The Framingham Heart Study, 7.6% of women and 2.5% of men have MVP. Some forms of MVP seem to be passed down through families (inherited). Mitral valve prolapse often affects thin women who may have …
Is it safe to fly with mitral valve prolapse or MVP? Why or why not?
Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) can cause chest pain or palpitations and may contribute to panic sensations, especially in someone with a fear of flying. However, other than that there is no reason not to fly.
Why do doctors usually use the LDL/HDL ratio over the TG/HDL ratio in determining a person’s CAD risk?
HDL/LDL Ratio When comparing “good cholesterol” (HDL) to “bad cholesterol” (LDL), there is a ratio that may be used. When using it, the goal is to keep the ratio of HDL/LDL above 0.3, with the ideal being above 0.4. HDL picks up extra cholesterol in the blood and returns it to the liver. LDL is the main transporter of cholesterol …
Do Beta Blocker drugs help treat angina? How do they prevent angina?
Beta Blockers are drugs that slow the heart rate, decrease cardiac output, lessen the force with which the heart muscle contracts and reduce blood vessel contraction. This lessens the work load for your heart, which means there is less energy demand. If your heart has blocked coronary arteries, the regional blood (and thus the energy) supply is limited. Beta blockers …