Q: My dad is 74yo with Hx of CAD; 4x CABG (12yrs ago); Atrial Fib (taking warfarin/metoprolol); otherwise very healthy. Over the past year he has had worsening SX of CHF. He was hospitalized July 2010 for this — had 1.5 L fluid drained from his lungs and blood transfusion to treat RBC (2.8) H/H (8.7/25.9). His BUN/Cr was 59/1.8 …
On the management of chronic stable and refractory angina. A review.
Medications The COURAGE Trial AHA recommendations for Life style modifications Interventions PCI CABG Comments Conclusions The objectives in treating angina are relief of pain and prevention of disease progression through risk factor reduction. Traditional anti-anginal agents include nitrates, β-blockers, and calcium channel blockers. The method by which angina is relieved is well understood and includes the following mechanisms: Cardiovascular effects …
Can you help me with my high Blood Pressure?
Q: sir kindly suggest oral medicine that can work maximum fast for fast heart rate unbearable 130 to 156 per min with or without raise of hypertension 180/110–capotril?? 25 mg(ace inhibitor that works in 20 mint)–betablocker metpploror-25 mg( works in 30 mint) any other fast acting transiquilzer can you give for serch in google? –age 50 weight 102 kg-5.7–diabetic between …
Actions, Indications and Side effects of Beta Blockers
Beta (β) blockers stop the action of epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) on so-called β-adrenergic receptors, part of the sympathetic nervous system which mediates the “fight or flight” response. If you feel this “skipped beat” every time you take your Propranolol, it is most likely an indication it has “kicked in” and started doing its job.
Statin side effects
The most common side effects of statins include:
Inaccurate risk calculators & the drug industry
A recent NYTimes article describes the inaccurate use of heart risk calculators that may lead to many Americans getting unnecessary medications of statins, the drugs prescribed to lower your cholesterol. Unlike the point based calculators used in many (including some very prestigious) websites, we have applied the original, accurate calculations to the 10 year risk calculator used on this website.
Diuretic side effects and Diabetes
Q: I have been on Avalide for about a year now. I have since developed some other issues, all of which seem related to potassium deficiency. I started investigating when I began getting sore muscles and charleyhorses, in spite of stretching.
Chest pains after Heart surgery
Q: my husband had a cabg about 9 weeks ago and has returned to work but always has an uneasiness in his chest , he travels and is a brick layer for a living and when he is on bumpy roads he as he explains almost like his insides feel like jello, and it feels better when he is holding …
I have Leukemia and chest pains. What could be going on?
Q: i am a 26 yr old female and i have (AML) i had to have a toe amputated and leukemia. i been having some chest pain on the left side that goes into my arm down to my finger tips the feeling of it may be some times felt as a burning or a trying to get a cramp …
I am having Chest Pain, what does it mean?
Each year, six million adult patients in the U.S. see their doctor because of chest pain. This pain may be caused by a variety of factors that may include diseases such as coronary artery disease, gastro-intestinal pain such as acid reflux (“Hiatal Hernia”), pain from your lungs (pneumonia, or a collapsed lung), “costochondritis” or physical injuries or a host of …